Thursday, March 5, 2020

15 Random Interesting Facts You Didn`t Know

15 Random Interesting Facts You Didn`t Know Here are 15 random interesting and little known facts pretty much about everything worth knowing: 1. In biology, we more or less learned about different lifeforms. But do you know how many different lifeforms are living on your skin at this very moment? The answer is over the whole population of our planet Earth. 2. Sea otters  are the cutest  animals on the entire planet! They even sleep holding hands. 3. Could  you  imagine  O. J. Simpson as the Terminator? Initially, he  was supposed to play this role. 4. Leonardo da Vinci was a genius  in every sense of the word. He even was able to draw with one hand and write with the other at the same time 5. Gene Cernan was the last man to walk on the Moons surface. He  wrote his daughter  initials “TDC” there. They’ll last  for tens of thousands of years. 6. An Indo-Pacific species of octopus besides changing colors, can  mimic the shapes of other species and  even  predators like lionfish. 7. When you turn on the light you think that electricity moves through the wire but it actually moves through a field around the wire. 8. Back in the 1960s the CIA tried to spy on Kremlin and Russian embassies by turning pets into the listening device. The program was called Acoustic kitty. 9. When caterpillars transform into butterflies, their bodies completely liquefy. 10. There is a myth that all the clocks in the movie “Pulp fiction” show 4.20. But its not truth. 11. Sues wrought the book “Green eggs and ham” only to win the bet against his publisher who thought that he could not complete a book with only 50 words. 12. When the University of Nebraska Cornhuskers play football at home the stadium holds more people than the third-largest city in Nebraska Bellevue. 13. If a male lion takes over a pride, it kills all cubs. 14. Two-thirds of people living on planet Earth have never seen snow. 15. The real name of Dora,  the main character of the American cartoon Dora the Explorer is Dora Marquez. If you want to discover more interesting things,  talk to  one of our history, geography, biology, chemistry, science, math, or  physics tutors. What’s another little known fact you know?  Hit the comments and let us know!

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